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Old 05-12-2009, 11:50 AM   #1  
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Default Is papercrafting an ethical hobby?

Fistly let's be clear-I truly don't want to offend anyone here!

The problem is I'm having a major 'wobble' about this hobby of ours. I started cardmaking 3/4 years ago and here in the UK at least there was a very limited amount of goodies in terms of tools, paper, embellishments etc. Crafting was truly in it's literal sense-we had to to craft and use our imagination and do what we could with what we had.

Now I am feeling very uncomfortable about what I see as simply greed. There is so much stuff now available-companies even launch monthly now and crafting seems to have changed beyond recognition. Of course I'm not saying people who craft now aren't talented-quite the opposite, but on so many blogs I see the same things-the same stamps, same nesties, same primas, same Martha Stewart punch, Basic grey paper and then a week later it's a different stamp and the latest BG paper and the stamp from the week before is never seen again.

I found myself today seriously contemplating spending �60 on a Big Shot and then another �60 on four nesties and then some florish dies and cuttlebug embossing folders and maybe a couple of new magnolias.....I caught myself, turned off the PC and literally felt sickened. �150 plus on bits to make shaped backgrounds? It scared me. It's ludicrous yet I know I'm nowhere near the worse. People on here have 500 SU sets, every Copic there is-well in excess of �100. If BG release a new range people get in, then the next, then every new nestie and every Tilda-am I the only one horrified by this?

Ethically have a good think about this. With most crafting stash made in the US or China stuff is being shipped and flown thousands of miles. SU items are sent to Germany to then be sent across Europe on a very regular basis. Here in the UK we often buy things ourselves from the US, usually having it flown here and then possibly offering it as blog candy to then be flown back across the world to the winner.

If I asked you to hold up your hand if you cared about the environment most of you would, but can we really care and keep being so excessive? How much carbon from planes alone is created by sending say Papertrey stuff (only send via air) or Martha Stewart punches, Sugar Nellies or blog candy of a stamp or magazine or whatever?

Is it right to buy every BG paper pad, every Nestie when in our own countries there are those who die from cold in Winter, who sleep in cardboard boxes, who can't afford vital medication or food or new shoes for their children?

What has happened to us?

I am sorry to be so emotive but I just feel utterly horrified by the greed and waste and lack of thought to consequences. Papercrafting is a hobby for most of us, there are those who make a living out of this and clearly it's different for you. There are also those who make cards etc for charity who certainly do not suffer from greed. I am humbled by you.

I just wonder when we're going to rein this in.I read the forums and there's no hint of a credit crunch! I truly believe something scary is happening when in the UK everyone talks about how to get hold of a Martha Stewart punch and if they can get one they sell it on ebay at inflated prices. Isn't crafting supposed to be more humble, more decent? Crafting to me is about creativity and pleasure both to do and receive the gift or card. Is the same level of creativity there if you've got every tool, stamp set, paper pack, Prima etc created!!?? I wonder...

You may not agree with my comments and I re-iterate that I mean no offence. However I urge you to think about this at least. What's the point of me and you recycling every scrap of paper, tin can and potato peeling if the plane flying over our home is full of paper and card? And the one going the other way has stuff sent over from the US to the UK and now going back again? Do you ever think about the people making this stuff, whether their work conditions are safe, how much they're paid? Do you ever think when you order one of everything that just down the road there's someone who's hungry or ill or cold and that �60 is 4 Nesties to you but food, medicine, a jumper, a blanket to them.

You should think of these things, we all should. If you can afford everything you're not more special-just very lucky-for now. I was brought up to be humble and respectful of the power money has. Excessive greed and/or showing off simply isn't the done thing-in the UK this is seen as lacking in class!! (Not sure if you have the class system elsewhere in the world).

I'd be interested of course in how others view this though would prefer not to have any death threats-it's only an opinion and I'm not saying I'm right (Um...!!!):twisted:
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:05 PM   #2  
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Wow, you've certainly given this a lot of thought and I do commend you for that, although I don't necessarily agree with your opinions. Personally, I think greed in any form--- in any area---is not a good thing. "To much of a good thing, is not--- a good thing". I guess moderation is the key, in most things, right? That being said, I dearly LOVE this hobby. It gives me so much--joy, happiness,and contentment. I find it so satisfying to create a card from an image I've stamped and colored. Plus, those that I send cards to, seem to enjoy and appreciate my efforts.
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:15 PM   #3  
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WOW, This has given me much food for thought. I have felt some what similar at times when I feel like I have spent lot more on a hobby than I should is not just the supplies, investing in supplies means investing in time as well.. So I might be giving up on something that is more important like family time, excercise time and other things....Well, something for me to contemplate on and think more about this.
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:21 PM   #4  
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Originally Posted by bh_dallasView Post
WOW, This has given me much food for thought. I have felt some what similar at times when I feel like I have spent lot more on a hobby than I should is not just the supplies, investing in supplies means investing in time as well.. So I might be giving up on something that is more important like family time, excercise time and other things....Well, something for me to contemplate on and think more about this.

Absolutely. I feel exactly the same. I'm on my PC so much on SCS (of course!) and bloghopping, checking suppliers for things, then crafting-I just don't feel joy about it. My crafting is better than ever yet it feels a bit hollow like I'm buying getting better at crafting rather than literally getting better. Thank you, I felt funny posting this and yet so many words-sorry-I just feel weird about it at the moment. I think I'd rather have cuddles than more designer paper to be honest.
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:22 PM   #5  
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I'm not quite sure I understand all of your statement here. I don't understand how you find this as an ethical dilemma. If you are worried about the pollution of the plains flying the product back and forth then you know what to do. Buy local, support your local businesses and advocate this to your friends. As far as greed, I will tell you that I am not one of those people that buys the latest and greatest every month and there are still a lot of things I would love to have. I still spend my fair share, but if you can afford it and you use it I don't see how that is greedy. If you are buying just to buy and never touch it, well then that is a different issue all together. I respect your opinions although I do not fully understand them and thank you for giving me something to think about this afternoon.
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:23 PM   #6  
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I do feel that my spending is sometimes exessive and there are times I occasionally walk away with a purchase, or pick up a purchase and I think "I spent $70 on PAPER??"

I think half of this hobby is an addiction to spending, so I don't know how many people will feel free to admit that the joy of this craft is purely in the giving, but I definately have my days where I have questioned what I bought...

That being said. I work hard for my money. Really hard, and this is how I choose to spend it.
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:29 PM   #7  
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Well, for me, my hobby keeps me sane, I think. We live in difficult times. Life certainly isn't easy. Just by turning on the TV and watching the local / national / world news, one can see a barrage of tragic and depressing events. Personally, I have no problem with my hobby, and I'd like to think that I bring just a little sunshine into an often dreary difficult world. For instance, today I sent one of my cards to a student who just had brain surgery.
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:37 PM   #8  
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I agree, there has been a huge change, with new companies coming up everywhere and the need to have "the best, latest, and greatest"...but the creative part of my brain NEEDS SOMETHING, something that isn't cleaning up after kids, doing my job, or washing something. My stamp time is time to myself. And I have to say, a handmade card in the mail sure is a bright spot among the bills. Even if it's not charity, it's still making someone's day...which is something we all want to do, I think.

There are some stampers who purchase everything, but I think the reality isn't as true as it seems. Some bloggers (myself included) are on design teams who provide them with products in return for using them a certain number of times or for a certain amount of projects. In addition, there are those who are published in magazines, and the magazines send them free stuff, or they are paid in cash. That's usually what I spend (if it's not needed elsewhere!) on any extra stuff.

There are companies in the industry who are ethical in their business practices, and those are the ones I choose to support with my time, energy, or dollars. If they have a good product, and I have money to spend, I like to support them so they can earn a good living and take care of themselves and their families. Just my 2 cents
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:40 PM   #9  
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I don't really agree with what you are saying, but I think you can apply your statements to shopping for unecessary items in general, not just papercrafting.

So what would happen if we all stopped doing this and many other "wasteful" hobbies? Well the people who own these companies would have to close, leaving them and the employees that work for them without jobs, then the companies who manufacture the items that they sold would have to close and then those employees would lose their jobs, then the companies who would ship these products wold see a dramatic decrease in the amount of items being shipped leading them to a reduction in workload, leading to layoffs and this trail could keep on going on and on from anyone to fuel companies to companies that they purchase their equipment from.

In general this and other hobbies are meant to give people a more enjoyable life. For me when I give my mom a stamped Mother's Day card I know her day is even better knowing the time I put into it. When I hear my dad brag to everyone about how great the invitations I made for his 60th surprise party that makes me feel good about myself.

I choose to spend some of my extra income on this hobby, if I did not have the extra income to spend and was choosing to spend my rent money on this hobby, then yes there is a problem.

With regards to the environment we have come to the point where we can't look at just stopping what we are doing, but we have to look at ways to keep doing what we are doing, but in an environmently friendly manner.
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Old 05-12-2009, 12:55 PM   #10  
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This has been my hobby for a number of years now and yes I have been collecting my materials all through that time. I worked at the beginning to EARN my money to buy my goodies. Of late, I have taught classes to EARN my money to buy my goodies. Really, I am helping the economy by buying my stuff.

Since I have been stamping for so long, I do not find it necessary to buy absolutely everything out there...though, I love my Nesties, Cuttlebug and Primas because they are great tools and embellishments. So yep, I am into buying these things. No different to my hubby buying an accessory for his tractor to make his farming easier.

If I took on every ill in the world I would soon be overwhelmed. I, for one, refuse to be made feel guilty for anything I do have. I have earned all of it. To go by your line of thought, every time I bought an ice cream, I should be thinking of someone somewhere who hasn't got something....I'd be in the mental ward sooner than not.(We do our fair share of donating to causes throughout each and every year. We donate to St Vinnies all throughout the year. We do our bit.)

I see my tools and accessories as necessary to the process of making things. I am fortunate in what I have, yes. Being termed greedy for what I have has never entered my mind. I think it unfair and totally "not on" to be labelled greedy when I have earned what I have in one way or another.

We do not have a class system here....yippeee. I hang out with people who are in Parliament AND people who scrub floors. They buy whatever they can afford with the money they earn. Kudos to them. I would not consider them show offs or greedy for buying what they want.

If everyone sat on their money...the world would collapse!

If Australia manufactured everything needed for my art, that would be great. Even if we could have everything manufactured here, we would still be looking at huge distances for freighting. I do not live in a small country and I do not live in a major centre. No matter what, I am looking at a fair amount of footprinting....for anything not capable of being made within the Mackay district.

You only have to wander in to a supermarket and look on the shelves to see great examples of items not made locally. This is a global world now, like it or not. I watch coal trains go down our mountain every day. Australians do not use the bulk of this coal. It goes all the way around the world for use as fuel. I bet you wouldn't want to rid yourself of a fuel source. We grow cane for a living. The sugar from that cane gets shipped all over as well.

Nope...totally disagree with you.

Look, I think it is puritanical to think that we should keep to ourselves (meaning keep within our own countries) for what we buy. Trade is what keeps economies going. If people did not buy the art gear we would have a collapse of the hobby altogether. Who out there has the right to say that someone has enough or too much of any of the products used? Where is that line? Is 10 pieces of card greedy? 100?

Also, I disagree that what I do is crafting. I am an artist. A mixed media artist would better define the hobby considering the materials used on a daily basis.

If you feel uncomfortable with what you do, stop! Donate it all to a school or care programme of some sort.

Oh dear, I could go on and on...Best stop before I write a book.

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Old 05-12-2009, 01:00 PM   #11  
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Thank you for the thought-provoking post!

I struggle with the environmental aspect of it sometimes, the packaging and stuff. I'm not one who saves every single scrap of paper, so this hobby can generate a lot of waste. (I do recycle, for what that's worth.) However, my carbon footprint is smaller in other areas that arguable matter more. My family has one small car, which we rarely drive, for example. DH bikes to work and we often walk places. I feel like I've earned some "green" points in other areas, if that makes sense.

I don't see a lot of the "showing off" that you mention. I think people get excited to get new things, and it's fun to share that excitement with other people who can appreciate it. My husband or neighbors don't care that I got the nesties I've been wanting, but I can come here and I know that my online friends will share my excitement with me!

As far as craft supplies being frivolous compared to feeding the homeless or contributing to other worthy causes, who can argue there. So are movies, restaurants, cosmetics, anything other than basic necessities. My family works hard for our money and we're entitled to spend it how we see fit. We have a number of charities that we support, but we also spend money on things that simply make us happy, like stamping.

There are two sides to this hobby, the crafting and the collecting. Some people do one side more than the other. It sounds like the collecting is the objectionable part to you, so you should focus more on the crafting.

The bottom line for me is, this hobby brings me joy and I don't buy more than what we can comfortably afford. The money that I spend is also providing jobs, I feel good about that.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:06 PM   #12  
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Crafting is my therapy. As someone else said I work hard for my money and this is how I like to spend it. I also know that once I retire, my income will go down, but I'll still have my stash of paper and fabric and finally time to play with it as much as I want.

As for my opinion on the environment, a couple of weekends ago I was watching a show on the Sahara Desert - they said that 5,000 years ago, it was lush and green, no desert in sight. There weren't enough people back then to cause that climate change, so what caused it? I think companies going 'green' is kind of the fashionable thing to do, and it doesn't make me change my shopping habits.

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Old 05-12-2009, 01:13 PM   #13  
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I think that you have a good point, and one that all of us can mull over. I for one know that I have enough stuff to last me quite a long time before I had to buy more. I would like to issue a challange to those of us who feel like they have too much and need to use some of their stuff. For the next month do not buy any paper crafting/scrapbooking/ etc stuff, use what you have and make due or come up with a new idea. I understand having to buy what I call the basic- which is adhesive- but if any of you are like me I have 4-5 types of liquid adhesive alone, not to mention tape runners, photo splits, red liner tape, scor tape etc.

I think we live in a society of excess and have let it go on for far to long. I agree that if you earn your money you should spend it any way you like to and I do, but I work in a field where I see poverty every day. I see people having to make the chioce whether to keep the lights on or food for their families. These are not people who have spent unwisely, or don't work. They do work but they are the working poor and it breaks my heart to see them have to choose, when there are many of us who don't give a second thought to a new stamp set, but won't add an extra $15-20 to our electric/gas bill where it asks if you would like to donate money to help those in need.

These are just my thoughts and I am not saying that anyone who has posted on here is wrong or right. I am just posting what I feel at this moment.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:14 PM   #14  
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I feel somewhat similar to Blank Canvas. Thankfully, I live in Croatia where supplies are not easily accessible, so I think VERY hard before I purchase. I also don't get my order until at least weeks, sometimes many months later. This also helps me consider every order - Is this something I will still want and use a few months from now?

Because of this, I make wise purchases that I know I'll use often and regularly. I sell a majority of my cards (over 300/year). I consider myself self-employed for tax purposes and count every purchase as expense. But, I don't mind if I don't make too much money as I love this hobby. It's opened doors for new friendships, ministries and being an encouragement to others. There is something special about receiving handmade cards. I love creating - it has blessed me in many ways. But I have to constantly exercise self-discipline or the hobby will no longer be a blessing. God has given each of us a gift in this area and we should use it as a tool to honor Him and bless others.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:15 PM   #15  
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I think that a lot of what you're seeing is the evolution of the internet. The internet has become an entity beyond what any of us could have imagined 10 years ago - after all, it has allowed you to voice your opinion to thousands of us who will never meet you in real life.

That being said, it is a powerful marketing tool, and much of what you're seeing is marketing. As a previous poster alluded to, companies now want their products promoted on the internet - and many of us have worked hard enough to be in a position where we contribute to those marketing plans.

Environmentally, I'm afraid the planes will keep flying regardless if a European customer orders a stamp set from the US or not. It's a global economy in which we live. Like Krystie, though, I too have been making greater personal strides to make improvements in my family's carbon footprint. Our recycling outweighs our trash every week. I ride a scooter that gets 100 mpg around town for errands. We chose a house less than 2 miles from my husband's office. All great PERSONAL strides. But in reality, that's what we're all doing - and all that you can ask. Do what is important to you.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:20 PM   #16  
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Environmentally, I'm afraid the planes will keep flying regardless if a European customer orders a stamp set from the US or not. It's a global economy in which we live. Like Krystie, though, I too have been making greater personal strides to make improvements in my family's carbon footprint. Our recycling outweighs our trash every week. I ride a scooter that gets 100 mpg around town for errands. QUOTE]

Wouldn't that be grand to be able to do! Just to get to town I have to drive nearly an hour on the highway!
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:21 PM   #17  
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I'm somewhat torn on this. I, for one, absolutely admit that I buy more than I use. I have my budget to follow - my portion of the family money that I can choose how to spend on myself. For the most part, I choose to spend it on crafting instead of designer clothes or expensive shoes or jewelry. My money, my choice.

By the reasoning in the OP, ANY hobby is unethical - it's something you spend money on only for the pleasure it gives you. But what a grey world it would be if there were no hobbies. When I break out the cardstock and glue and scissors, it's like being back in a happy place in kindergarten. And when I am able to get back to that happy place for a while, I'm more productive at work and easier to get along with at home.

Now, the marketing whizzes in the world have figured out that there are A LOT of people doing this papercrafting thing and that there is money to be made at it. It's their job to come up with the newest "thing" and to convince us that we need it. That's not unethical, necessarily - and it's not limited to papercrafting. Check out the companies that sell computer parts sometime It's up to us as consumers to weed thru the marketing and spend wisely - and my "wise purchase" might not be the same as yours.

It reminds me of the time my sister-in-law was all bent out of shape about the money I must have spent on my hobby - first, none of her business as long as I'm not letting my child starve so that I can support my habit; second, I have a LOT of stuff, but most of it was accumulated in $15-$20 increments; third, she smokes like a chimney and she is spending a lot more on that; there's just nothing to show for it once the cigarette is gone (other than the black lungs and smelly clothes).

Just because someone spends a lot on a hobby doesn't mean that they aren't donating to charity, or giving time at their church, or helping to feed the hungry.
~~Cheryl, with a "C"
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:34 PM   #18  
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Wow...very interesting thread. I know I buy a lot...always the new papers and nesties and a few other the SU and Papertrey stuff and a few other stamp companies. I make the cards I give to our families for birthdays and other times but my very huge contribution is to the troops that serve our country. So much of what I purchase goes to that wonderful cause. I also donate to my church card ministry AND to the Church bookstore. So I use a great portion of the things I have to have for the good of others...sometimes I feel like it is greed...but most of the time I feel like I am using my supplies for the good of others. Oh and I do WISHRAK birthday cards so there is another donation....I have a lot of supplies...probably way more than I will use in this lifetime...but I can honestly say that I do more for others than I do for myself.

I do not feel too guilty.

Amber Shaw
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:35 PM   #19  
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You have definately given this much thought, although, I can't say I necessarily agree with what you are saying.

There is alot of new stuff and there will continue to be new stuff, but you don't have to buy it. Personally, I just found SCS a few weeks ago while searching for an idea for a sentiment for a card for my MIL and while I have been stamping and making cards for many years, obviously I haven't kept up on all the new things, as I had never heard of Copics until I was looking through cards in the gallery. I looked in to them and thought, wow, really cool, maybe I'll buy them if I am ever lucky enough to win the lottery. I see many things on here that I think are nice to haves, but don't know how much I would use them, so they go on a list I have of things I might get eventually.

I can't say I have ever felt bad about anything I have purchased for papercrafting or any other craft that I do. I enjoy making things, whatever the thing I happen to be making at the time may be. I like giving homemade cards and in many instances gifts. My MIL looks forward to to X-Mas each year, because she knows what she is going to get, just not what it will look like. I don't actually spend all that much each month for any of my craft stuff, and my family is taken care of and we do what we can to help other people. You do what you can.

I can't say that ordering something that has to be shipped would make a huge difference enviromentally, because if you don't something else will be shipped in that space. It's got to get from A to B somehow. Like other people, I do other things that would most people would consider "green", although I can't say I ever think of it in that way, usually it is because it saves us some of the other green.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:35 PM   #20  
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For me card making keeps me sane. I do not buy cards at all anymore and the ones I give to others, give them great joy I am told. That said, I do not feel guilty on the money I spend. I read a suggestion somewhere about having your spouse buy your cards when he needs one, the money then going towards your supplies. I do not buy trendy clothes, I do like to follow some of the card making trends. Some trends just will not work for me, I am pretty selective about the latest and greatest out there. My husband's hobby is fishing, a lot of it is catch and release. So anything he buys is simply for the pleasure he gets standing in the river and hooking a fish. My opening sentence sums it up for me. I have a friend who has decorated her laundry room with all the cards I have given her that are predominately blue.Cheap decorating and how flattering!
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:37 PM   #21  
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Every single one of the thoughts that you have expressed, I have thought about. And not just for paper crafting. I sew alot, therefore I "need" x amount of fabric, sewing machines, patterns..... well, let's just say that the acoutrements involved in sewing severely bypass paper crafting. Then there are all of the Tarot card decks I collect. Then there is the new guitar I must have, then there is the music....... and all of the yarn for the afghans I'm going to crochet (not to mention the knitting machine I had to have but rarely use).

I am speaking only for myself. I believe all this to be wasteful and self indulgent. At the end of my life I will not recount the worth of my life as to how many toys I have. I will however recount the worth of my life as to how much joy I have brought to others. If I can create something that will be handed down to others in my family, something of intrinsic value, then that will make me happy. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing within the realm of paper crafting that will fall into the heirloom category. A nicely made card will make someone happy for a minute. And it will brighten their day to know that you care enough to actually make something for them. But beyond that? I'm not seeing it.

So, even though I don't see much long lasting value in my final paper product, I do so love short term gratification. And that's what keeps me going. Despite the people living in cardboard boxes. I am crass and materialistic on one extreme, and selfless and altruistic at another extreme. And somewhere in the middle I can conveniently ignore the plight of humanity and our planet - because I can.

This hobby brings us happiness, and it brings happiness to others - but at the end of the whole algorithm I still can't justify much of it. So. I won't try. I'll make my stupid little cards, and sew my homespun little quilts, and sing an old folk song to someone and hope they don't laugh. But I'll donate a chunk of money to the ASPCA and whatever is my charity of the year, and I'll hope it will help even the score between being a user vs. being a giver. Will it?

A good dog, a sewing machine, and an old guitar......
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:42 PM   #22  
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Wow! I wonder how long it took to type the post up and then proof/edit/proof/edit/proof . . . so on and so forth.

How many people are actually reading the lengthy responses this topic is bound to draw? I know for me, after a while, I start skimming, yet here I am, fixing to write me a diatribe that no one will read. LOL

If I interpret correctly, the question being asked REALLY is are WE and the suppliers of all these wonderful things that we MUST have in order to keep up with the Jones' just fat, dumb and happy. Greedy and insensitive to the less fortunate?

First, if I was in business, you can bet I'd be greedy! Why else would I be in business if not to make money? As a business owner, I'd have a business responsibility to try and stay ahead of the curve and keep my competitors sweating as I come up with new and exciting things to sell.

Does that make me an insensitive business owner? I don't think so. It's the nature of the beast. Also, most businesses have a sense of community responsibility that we just don't hear about. Many places offer services to underpriviledged children and such. However, it is not for me, as a consumer to worry about.

If we, as crafters didn't constantly demand more, there wouldn't be all this continuous change and new product launches, etc. But . . . for myself . . . I get bored with the same ol' same ol' really quickly.

Now, as a consumer . . . am I insensitive to global issues? Of course I am. However, if I am not able to purchase the things I want locally, then I have no choice but to seek them out elsewhere.

Next, comes the more contentious and political issues mentioned around the homeless and less priviledged. In my country (Canada), and in particular, my city (Winnipeg), the majority of homeless people are homeless by choice. Do I then still have a moral obligation to see to their needs? To ensure that they have a warm bed and clean clothing? Absolutely not.

Sadly, my city also has the highest child poverty rate in the country. Do I have a moral obligation to care for those children and see to their needs? Again, I say absolutely not. We have a welfare system in place that is intended to provide for the needs of children and their families. I am forced to give generously, via taxes, year after year. We don't complain. We don't get after our government to be accountable for the disbursement of our tax dollars. It is however, the governments responsibility to police the parents'/guardians' disbursements of my tax dollars in the form of welfare aid and ensure that children are not left behind and that the money is used as intended. That doesn't change the fact that there are children suffering. But how much can one person do? How much can the whole of the population do when there is no control over the parents' spending habits. Do we keep throwing money at them so they can go to bingo again tonite? Do we keep throwing money at them so they can go get that extra case of beer? There is no quick fix.

Do I go spending money I don't have? Never. I donate to a number of charities every year that are designed to help the needy. I organize and collect on behalf of some of these charities. I have a sense of community responsibility, and am comfortable in my efforts to help others and have no guilt whatsoever in spending money on something that will make ME happy.

Like others have said, some might call this a "hobby". I call it a "passion".

hmm I wonder if I've gotten off track here at all LOL If you hung in here, and read my entire rant, good for you!! You're one of the few LOL
�:*�*:� My next house won't have a kitchen. Just a bunch of vending machines and garbage cans.�:*�*:�
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:47 PM   #23  
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Originally Posted by sewnmachineView Post
. . . .This hobby brings us happiness, and it brings happiness to others - but at the end of the whole algorithm I still can't justify much of it. So. I won't try. I'll make my stupid little cards, and sew my homespun little quilts, and sing an old folk song to someone and hope they don't laugh.
Stupid little cards? I doubt anyone thinks they're stupid. If just one person appreciates your efforts, then it's all worthwhile in my opinion.

I agree, it's self indulgent, but we do it because we love it, and we do it for the very few who appreciate it. That's what makes it all worthwhile.
�:*�*:� My next house won't have a kitchen. Just a bunch of vending machines and garbage cans.�:*�*:�
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:51 PM   #24  
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For me crafting, whether its scrapbooking, cardmaking/stamping, beading or whatever, I do it for my sanity. Crafting brought me from the edge of suicide to the normality I experience today. I even started a Womens Crafting Group that our local government gave us money to run, because even they saw the importance for carers (ie mothers or other women with small children in tow) to have time for themselves to do something for themselves (the funding was for a childcarer to take cares of all the littlies for 3 hours a week). This is what made myself and I can easily say all the women in the group to sanity.

So it affects the economy, (not that I have as much as others), but personally its not that much. We also gave back to the community with a special wall hanging for the community service group.

Do I feel guilty for crafting? No. Is there a reason to? In my opinion no. We all have our reasons for crafting, and it is addictive, whether its an addiction to buying the items, or using them, but look at what people are producing and what pleasure it brings others.
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Old 05-12-2009, 01:55 PM   #25  
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wow interesting thread!
I just love this hobby to much, and will continue to love it and spend that hard earn extra money in what I like.
I dont buy all the latest stuff, wish I couldnt, but I know my spending limits!
and do I help out in my community oh yea!
most of my time is at church helping the youth and kids!
If this hobby brings me peace in the night when Im really tired but still would like to do something for someone else, than why not!
Love when the joy and happiness it brings to someone, especially when at church they taught no one was thinking of them on their bday and then receive a bday card!
I love that!

I will continue to buy and help out as much as I can
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:00 PM   #26  
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Plainly said, you have to live your life and enjoy it. It is not a problem to spend money on your hobby, after all, you work hard for it. If it brings some form of creative bliss and utterly pure joy....then go for it!!! Yes, support a charity of your choice if you are able to do so. You can't save everybody, but if everybody saves somebody...that's a start If you are making purchases to keep up with "The Jones" sort to speak, then that's a problem.

From my point of view, companies will put out as much product as the consumer is willing to purchase. Case in point, I am a Boyds Bear Collector. If anybody is familiar with them, you know what has happened. My attitude in making purchases was never pay more than retail....below if possible....and only purchase what you absolutely love. I have seen people buy absolutely every single product Boyds put out until there was no room to put it anywhere. They never even took it out of the packaging. I saw prices of the older Bearstones go for astronomical prices in the secondary market for a short time. There was a Boyds Bear frenzy on the Internet. Collectors were asking for more and more product. Then Gary (the designer/founder) sold the company and his words on QVC to his faithful followers when he left were "Be careful what you wish for". The CEO after that put out so much merchandise that people just couldn't keep up. Then you couldn't even give the stuff away because the merchandise suffered in creativity and quality. They filed bankruptcy and now are still trying to operate through Enesco who purchased them a short time back.

What I am trying to say is that companies will throw themselves into whatever is hot at the moment in order to make money. Just look on the Internet and see how many cutting systems there are out there. It's amazing. We as the consumer need to make educated choices as to what we can afford and what is right for us. It is the enterprising spirit for companies to market their products all over the world. It is good for the economy. The world is constantly changing. Just go to the grocery store and see where that head of lettuce came from......Food for thought!!!
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:03 PM   #27  
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Interesting thoughts....thank you all for sharing....while I agree that I overspend (something which I am trying really hard to be mindful of right now while waiting to find out if my boyfriend will still be employed) I enjoy everything I have. I am super happy when I have some time to "craft". I find the coloring relazing and have learned now that if I am working on something and it's not going right or it's frustrating me I walk away and do something else. I am guilty of wanting to have the tools and the talent to make the other cards I see but I've learned so much these past few years and when someone says "wow you did that?" it really makes me proud. So I'm not sure I agree that with it being ethical or unethical but I think everyone has something that they dive head first into and it's just a question of what you enjoy. I do make time to read, spend time with family and friends and I work so I think I balance myself and I have family/friends that craft with me and it's a wonderful way to spend sometime with someone who enjoys what you do. BUT I do appreciate everyones opinion!! (ps as I live in the US I try to make as many purchases as possible that are made in the USA)
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:06 PM   #28  
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I have always been aware of being "sucked" in and "needing" too much in the way of stamps, inks, tools, etc. I tend to buy a lot of the item I'm "into" at the moment. Used to collect cook books, the last few years I bought lots of clothes and felt I needed more. So I have been aware of my own personality and how I could get carried away with buying stamping supplies. I have about 70 stamp sets...and really, really try to keep myself happy with that. I don't use them enough as it is. But I still want more. I'm on a tight budget or I would have more. I feel it's too bad I feel "bad" because I can't have more....I've been trying to be happy with the supplies I have and buy paper and inks as I really need it. I always have a wish list....I just have always loved to shop. But I guess shopping in itself is not a good hobby but I love it! I was once at a stamping workshop and somewhere there said "only in America"...she is a very socially aware person and meant in that one sentence what was stated in this post. While she was there for the social aspect she would never buy any supplies. I may have been the only person there who knew what she meant...While I did understand her point I didn't want to have the "fun" taken away from the workshop. It's like anything..if it gets out of balance too much or too little it can cause problems. We all need balance in our lives and to stay balanced.

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Old 05-12-2009, 02:07 PM   #29  
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hmmmm..... not everyone believes "global warming" is man-made. That said, as a previous poster stated, everything in moderation will usually not get you in trouble.

My money is my money. I'll spend it how I want to. Thanks for the utopian world view though;)
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:26 PM   #30  
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Blank Canvas,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Part of your post rang true with me and it has given me food for thought.
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:28 PM   #31  
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I guess I am one of those who probably spend more than they should�and I have certainly made my share of injudicious purchases that I regret. It�s easy, if this �hobby� is your passion, to get caught up in the �more, more, more� syndrome. Because, as many here have said, it just makes you happy to lose yourself in cardmaking or scrapbooking. I think each person is different, their circumstance unique. They, alone, can determine how they feel about what they are doing � for the environment, for their family, for their neighbors. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts with everyone. Your points are ponder-worthy. For me, I work full-time and am not only the primary caregiver � but the ONLY caregiver � for my elderly father. I teach at church each Sunday. Basically this papercrafting hobby helps me to deal with the stress and depression that can sometimes be overwhelming. One of the things that�I guess you would say justify my pastime, is that I give away almost 100% of the cards I make. I do sell some to friends�but I don�t make a profit, by any stretch of the imagination! For me this is my creative outlet, my �escape.� As someone said, it�s my happy place. I do admit that there is more that I can do in the area of recycling, repurposing�and that�s something I need to consider. Thanks for your thoughts.
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:30 PM   #32  
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I've never thought of stamping as being unethical and definitely NEVER thought of my cards as being stupid. Yes I spend too much, but I work fulltime, don't spend a lot on clothes, we don't eat out, I drive a 14 year old car, live in a modest house and so on.... I love this hobby!!! I can't tell you how many people come back and tell me how much a handmade card meant to them, for a death, birthday, get well, etc.
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:51 PM   #33  
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This is truly one of the most thought-provoking threads I think I may have ever seen. I am currently reading a book called Throw Away 50 Things and it really has me thinking. As I am going through my home one room at a time I look at all the stuff we have accumulated and I wonder if it really brought us the joy and contentment we thought it would. A room that has already been finished is my craft room. As I sorted through it I was ashamed at all the things I had to have then never used. I wonder how life would have been different had I never purchased these items. I occasionally think about the impact I have had on the environment and how my actions have contributed to how my daughter sees consumerism in this country. Will my habits change? I hope so, especially now that I have seen the aftermath so clearly ($1000s of dollars spent and really wasted because the items were never used). I think sometimes, especially in the western world, we work so hard to earn what we want, we forget about the things that are really important. I am going to walk away from this post and this thread thinking about all the ways in which my actions affect me and the world around me. Does it mean I am going to stop spending altogether? Not a chance! But I will be paying much closer attention to where and what and how I am spending. Thanks for giving me so much to think about, ladies!
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:51 PM   #34  
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Thanks for this post. I think it is quite thought provoking.

I admit when I knew that the Nestabilities that I love came from China I did have to do a double think on them....and all the other product from China. (I have a dear friend that survived Romania Communism and outright refuses to support anything linked to Communism, including Walmart)

I have been doing a inventory on a spread sheet with values attached. Talk about a reality check as well. And I am no where near done!

Oh and then when I saw a "green" program and they said that card that was colored all the way through couldn't be recycled as easily/efficiently as color coated card. That one got me thinking.

I used to follow some blogs faithfully, however the hard sell on some of them with DT obligations, have put me off that I don't really read them if I bother to click on them these days.

We recycle and we volunteer - and we are trying to be better at both.

I love my hobby, however I try to be aware about its impact and make informed choices.
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Old 05-12-2009, 02:52 PM   #35  
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This is kind of depressing and in my craft world that makes me happy.

It is food for thought. And for a dreary rainy day.

I give to the church and to charities.

But I will be putting more thought into my purchases.


PS My job is very tense and spending some of that hard earned money on myself feels good. In moderation of course.
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:03 PM   #36  
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Well, I don't drink or smoke. I do not abuse animals, people, or plants. I do not steal, gamble etc, etc. I guess if papercrafting is the worst thing I do, I must be doing pretty good, LOL. I work hard, so I have extra money to spend on things I love. There are people who buy cigarettes and alcohol, I don't.This hobby gives me great enjoyment. I would rather see planes flying over my head that are carrying patterned paper and stamps than weapons, bombs and drugs, I guess.
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:09 PM   #37  
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I don't think anyone needs to justify why they do this or how much money they spend or try prove that they're a "good" person in other areas despite the fact that they enjoy "unethical" papercrafting.

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Old 05-12-2009, 03:15 PM   #38  
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I don't think ethical is the right word. The economy needs consumers to keep going.
Is there way too much--yes there is, but you do not have to buy what you do not want, like, can't afford, etc.
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:16 PM   #39  
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Originally Posted by digbyView Post
I don't think anyone needs to justify why they do this or how much money they spend.
Good point!
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Old 05-12-2009, 03:37 PM   #40  
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Originally Posted by digbyView Post
I don't think anyone needs to justify why they do this or how much money they spend or try prove that they're a "good" person in other areas despite the fact that they enjoy "unethical" papercrafting.
I didn't see justification being asked for in the OP. I read a thought provoking post about habits, wants and needs.

Given the that USA hasn't ratified the UN's Declaration on the Rights of the Child - well we have company neither has Somalia with their outstanding human rights record(yes, that was sarcasm) maybe this question, though uncomfortable, isn't as far off base as people would like it to be. It is good to reflect on how our decisions affect others. It's not personal.

From Wikipedia -

The Convention deals with the child-specific needs and rights. It requires that states act in the best interests of the child. This approach is different from the common law approach found in many countries that had previously treated children and wives as possessions or chattels, ownership of which was often argued over in family disputes. In many jurisdictions, properly implementing the Convention requires an overhaul of child custody and guardianship laws, or, at the very least, a creative approach within the existing laws.

The Convention acknowledges that every child has certain basic rights, including the right to life, his or her own name and identity, to be raised by his or her parents within a family or cultural grouping and have a relationship with both parents, even if they are separated.

The Convention obliges states to allow parents to exercise their parental responsibilities. The Convention also acknowledges that children have the right to express their opinions and to have those opinions heard and acted upon when appropriate, to be protected from abuse or exploitation, to have their privacy protected and requires that their lives not be subject to excessive interference.

The Convention also obliges signatory states to provide separate legal representation for a child in any judicial dispute concerning their care and asks that the child's viewpoint be heard in such cases. The Convention forbids capital punishment for children. Contrary to what is often claimed, it does not forbid corporal punishment, which is not mentioned at all in the text.

[edit] State parties and signatories
As of December 2008, 193 countries have ratified it,[1] including every member of the United Nations except the United States and Somalia
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