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Old 02-27-2018, 12:04 AM   #1  
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Default When and IF, do you decide to give up stamping?

Quick back story (maybe not that quick LOL) I used to be a hobby demo back in the day. I had TONS and I mean TONS of SU stuff. Every ink, every cardstock, every marker, embellishments, embossing folders, etc. After a few years I came to realize that I wasn't stamping for ME, I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was constantly making cards for demo swaps, workshops, other people, etc. So I sold EVERYTHING. Right down to the last piece of cardstock. After a year or so, I somewhat regretted my decision, because I realized that I missed making/sending Christmas cards. So slowly, I built up my collection again. I now have everything again but all (well atleast 95%) of my stamp sets are Christmas/Winter related. So for the past couple of years I have done nothing but make my Christmas cards.

Now, here's where I'm teetering back & forth about selling everything again. Over the last few months (late summer/early fall of last year) I started going on a buying spree of stamping stuff. *maybe* a little too overboard LOL. Well, I was down in my craft room over the weekend and gave a long hard look at everything I have, especially all of my stamp sets. I have so many that I think I'm overwhelmed. I KNOW there are some, if not A LOT that I truly won't use. I LOVE them, don't get me wrong. But I probably won't use them. Plus the last few times that I've actually had time to sit and stamp, I've been getting aggravated and just give up. I'm not sure why. Plus, I've noticed over the last couple years or so, people just aren't sending cards out anymore. So I feel like I'm putting in all of this money and effort, so to have a card mailed out to everyone and it ends up in the trash. Out of the 80+ cards that I send out each year, I MAYBE get 15 or so cards from other people with MAYBE 2-3 homemade cards. Hardly anyone I know stamps anymore.

I have put aside quite a few stamp sets to sell which got me thinking of selling everything. UGH. So if you've given up stamping before, how did you know it was time? Did you regret it?
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Old 02-27-2018, 03:07 AM   #2  
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Well, I've never given up stamping, but I do have a suggestion or two. Instead of giving it up completely and getting rid of everything, maybe get rid of the supplies that you aren't using. Choose a few sets and supplies, and make a few cards. Maybe not Christmas cards. You don't even have to send them. Donate them; join the Birthday RAK; display them in your home.

As you said, your supplies are overwhelming you. It also sounds like making Christmas cards isn't enjoyable for you. I would change those two things. Maybe you will find joy in stamping again; maybe you won't. I would give it a try. Do what brings you joy and makes you happy. I wish you all the best.
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Old 02-27-2018, 04:32 AM   #3  
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I think the people you're directing your question to have already left SCS, and there have been many. Some hobbies are wonderful forever hobbies, some blossom into something more, a business perhaps, and some fade away. No one says if you fall in love with stamping, or any hobby, you have to love it forever. My advice? Box it all up, right now. Don't sell it, but put it away and don't touch any of it for at least six months. On the other side of that box time, don't open anything, don't sell anything, until you're clear with yourself about what call(ed/s) your name to stamping, what drags you down, and whether or not there's a better fit. and know you're not the only stamper who's looked at her collection and wondered 'what the heck have I gotten myself into?' Best of luck getting a hold of what sparks your joy!
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Old 02-27-2018, 04:48 AM   #4  
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I will never quit. I love to scrapbook, make cards, dress up gifts with tags, washi tape and matching die cuts. I stepped back to being a hobby demo also but I love to make cards, hundreds of them each year. This is what I do with mine:
1. when my grandkids come at least once each year we take a cardbox filled with cards and walk around the neighborhood and they give away about 3 or 4 cards to other people just to learn how to RAK
2. I give away hundreds for fundraisers. If I see a fundraiser for someone in town, recently it was a young woman in our town with cancer, I create bags of cards with envelopes that they can sell or auction at the fundraiser. This time I added decorated gift tags also to the bags. I almost always give away over 100 cards each time. It has always raised much more money than I would have been able to give to each person.
3. I donate them to nonprofit organizations to sell. We live in a small town so a friend and I set up a basket of cards at the bank and sold them for 2.00 each. We've raised money for the local fire department and the swimming pool.
4. My daughter and daughter in law get handmade cards for their birthday and Christmas (plus more if they need/want them) I made them card boxes and ask them which categories need to be replenished. Plus I make gift tags for them also, birthday treat bags for the kids parties, decorations...
5. I randomly give cards away. For a reading group I belonged to I gave packets of cards to my friends. For birthdays for a coffee group I give them a packet of handmade cards.
6. My neighbor manages a nursing home. I give her a bunch of mainly birthday, sympathy or thinking of you cards for residents to use. They love using them.
7. I have given an entire box of handmade cards as a wedding gift. Sometimes I include postage stamps for them to use. I've done it 3 times now and once I was told it was their favorite wedding gift. I've done the same thing for shower gifts also. I usually know if it is the type of gift they would enjoy.
8. There is no Hallmark in our small town. I have neighbors and friends who come over frequently to purchase cards. Some make a list of what they need for the entire month. I try to personalize them as much as I can which sometimes means making something I never would have done. (but when one lady wanted a birthday card with a gun on it I did not make it!) I think she got one with a tree on it instead! LOL
9. I have played cards with a group of women who do a 15 dollar gift exchange at Christmas. Mine is always handmade cards.
It is really fun to use your hobby to gift to others. I love giving gifts and sometimes I send random gifts of cards to people I think will enjoy them. I have a former boss I adore and I've sent her wine tags as she gives lots of wine as gifts, cards, gift tags etc.
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Old 02-27-2018, 05:00 AM   #5  
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I remember when I first started stamping (2003) and how few colors of ink, cardstock and stamps I had. I was so creative then and I loved stamping. Now I am like you. Bogged down with too much stuff and I have been trying to thin it out over the past 3 years. Couple that with no feedback or card in return from those whom I send cards to on holidays and birthdays and every other occasion and then loss of mojo. I have thought of giving it up completely, but something keeps me hanging on. I just take a break and come back to it on my terms - not what I think others feel it should be.
This year I have made and sent 3 birthday cards (DD, DGS, StepDS). I have missed 4 other birthdays - no one has said anything about those.
My stepson loves my cards and tells me and he keeps them. I labored hard over his card this year as he is 30 and divorced and I didn't want anything too feminine or childish. I almost spent $35 on a new SU set and punch so I could make his card and then I stopped myself. If I don't use that bundle for another card that is one expensive card! I plan to send father's day cards to an uncle and my 2 brothers, but really that still did not justify spending $$.
Then I thought of all the other such stamps and items that I have spent $$ on and have little or no use. UGH!!!
So 1) I will REALLY consider any more purchases (must have multiple and I mean MULTIPLE uses) 2) If I don't see myself using the item - I will sell it even if I still like it (liking does not equate to using) 3)there will be no guilt on not sending cards - it will be on MY TERMS.
I am working on trimming my craft room down to only the colors that I like and want to use and the stamps will be downsized as well. I have a small wood desk with a hutch ( 2 shelves in the top) and my goal is to have all my craft supplies (keepers) in this one piece of furniture. I have been working toward this for some time, but I am making progress and won't stop until I reach the goal. I also have DH support in this goal - LOL!!!!
BTW - I have always been in crafts of some kind and I have left those when my interest turns to something new.

Sorry for the long post!
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Old 02-27-2018, 05:47 AM   #6  
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I make cards for the joy of making them, and send them for the joy of sending them at a time when they're needed. I don't expect any return, and I don't mind not knowing what happens to my cards after they're received. I really rarely do Christmas though - and that would be a big effort all at once... maybe try spreading your cardmaking time out through the year, and focusing more on special events or times when someone needs encouragement?
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Old 02-27-2018, 06:16 AM   #7  
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I have not stopped stamping but I have done a heavy purge last year as we moved. I did very little stamping last year. Here are a few thoughts as I read through your post:
1. you missed stamping (especially Christmas) when you sold everything the first time. Perhaps you can still make your Christmas cards but don't make them all at once at the end of the year. Spread it out throughout the year. I know a woman who makes her Christmas cards in January to send out that coming December...takes all the pressure off and adds all the fun back in!
2. You feel guilty because you went on a shopping spree and perhaps see it as wasted money. I get that. You are not alone. But don't let that disappointment with yourself derail your enjoyment of a hobby.
3. You are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have accumulated (again!). Use this feeling to motivate you (instead of discouraging you) to do a major purge. Make three piles: "keep", "sell", "I don't know yet". Then wait. Wait for a good month or more. Revisit the piles. If you are confident with your "sell" pile, get rid of it! You will feel a big burden lifted from your shoulders.
4. You feel like your mojo has "left the building" Start slowly. Copy exactly a card you love. Do not feel you have to create from nothing. Use a starting point (a color challenge, sketch challenge, a card you have favorited, a card you made in the past) and change it up. This will take time. Do not add pressure on yourself.
5. You don't feel like other people appreciate your cards. I have felt that way too. Change your motivation for sending cards. It is all about encouraging or showing kindness to others. Some people never hear an encouraging word from their loved ones. So maybe your card will be the only encouragement they ever get.
6. OR maybe you really only want to make cards for your enjoyment...terrific! But then donate them as many of the ladies have suggested. You get the benefit of being creative and the organization gets the benefit of receiving your box of cards.

Sorry this is long-winded. I hope some of this will be helpful to you. Everyone has to re-evaluate their lives periodically. We have different seasons of life and no two seasons are the same.
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Old 02-27-2018, 06:30 AM   #8  
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I agree on not selling everything you have again. Boxing it all up and putting it in a closet in your house for a few months is a great way to handle this. Don’t go near any of it and take time figuring out what, if anything you really like about this hobby. If you are making and sending cards in hopes of getting something back; whether it be cards or praise for your efforts or even just a simple thank will always be disappointed in the end. We all have been there. And you’re right, sending cards is not something lots of people do anymore, handmade or store bought. I personally enjoy the process of creating something with paper, stamps and inks. I’ve let go of any expectations from others who receive what I make.

Maybe you would enjoy creating art journals instead? You get all the fun of using your supplies, getting “inky” but you are free from expecting anything from others since you wouldn’t be mailing anything out.

Or, maybe this hobby is not for you. But it is expensive to get rid of it all then decide you still want to do this and have to buy it all again.
I also knit, crochet and cross stitch. If I start to feel burnt out on stamping I pick up another craft project until I really WANT to sit down and stamp.
Good luck figuring out what is best for you!
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Old 02-27-2018, 06:42 AM   #9  
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It is OK to have more than one hobby.

so, if being inky is not working right this minute, try something else. pick up a book. if its nice outside go play in the dirt. ( even if its just a potted geranium for a micro patio on a balcony) there is no law that says you much be inky all.the.time just because, you have the tools to do so.

but, I would not sell everything. I would just let it sit and do something else for a while. and see what happens later when you want to create you have those things ready for you.

and at some point if things you have out grown are not useful to you anymore let just those things go. it does not have to be a clean sweep.

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Old 02-27-2018, 06:44 AM   #10  
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maslex, to echo what Scrapjanny posted, simplifying may be a key, and help get you to basics that you might truly enjoy.

I've learned that too much focus on buying and "stuff" can detract from or even suffocate the simple pleasure of making something, purpose aside. It's like if you planted a few seeds to grow daisies and felt such delight as they sprouted and grew, versus managing a garden center, ordering, taking inventory, dealing with the budget, and then trying to decide between thousands of plants to put in your yard.

Doing a ruthless yet heartfelt purge and keeping what you truly can imagine using may be a worthwhile journey. And if it doesn't work, you will have already sold/donated a lot so are ahead of the game. You'd certainly not be worse off. When I did a mega-purge, the biggest puzzle was differentiating between what was adorable/pretty/functional versus what I would really use. Just because something is gorgeous or well-made or useful doesn't mean I'll use it. And the process continues on auto-pilot; a donate bin is a permanent fixture.

As for people not making cards as much, irrelevant, right? : ) If you played the piano and no one else you knew did, that wouldn't be a reason to stop playing, whether just for yourself or to entertain at a nursing home or elsewhere. If you like making, like Lori and others pointed out, there are countless ways to give others joy through your cards. And don't forget the swaps here if you want to send and receive in a structured way.

Good luck and enjoy.

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Old 02-27-2018, 10:58 AM   #11  
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Perhaps you could host a few nights with friends who like to make cards or boxes or bags, scrapbook, etc.
You could provide all the equipment, paper, ink, etc.
Might be a fun way to use the things you have and have fun with your friends at the same time.
I also agree with the put it all away for a while if it really is bugging you looking at it.
Good Luck and Happy Stampin'!
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Old 02-27-2018, 11:30 AM   #12  
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I make cards often and what I do is - give them away as out of the blue thank you gifts to people. From everyone to my vet, to the postal woman, the front desk woman at my Dr's office, as hostess gifts for friends and family when they have parties, my physical therapist who helped with my knee, and always as Christmas gifts for my friends. Often times, I think people don't want to pay $7 for a card at the store, so they forego cards all together. I hope that by having some on hand, they maybe spread the kindness a little themselves. I also always gives them in decorated containers - some in the SU tin of cards with my own designs inside, covered in inspiring qoutes, or in clear paint buckets with tons of fun ribbons covering the handle, or in simple cellophane bags tied with the black white polka dot ribbon. People are so touched to not only get a thank-you, often times for simply doing their job, but a little gift as well. (I included some pics of how I give them..)

I also have a few friends who are part of different charities and I donate baskets of my cards to their events for the silent auctions and raffles to help bring in money. Even if it makes $25 for them, I know the money went to good use and I shared something I enjoy doing.

I used to sell my cards, but found that took the joy out the hobby I loved. Now giving them away makes me so happy.

I too get very overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I have. Sometimes I go months without crafting because I feel suffocated in my craft room by all my options. But that passes and I find myself, in time, enjoying all the colors and different supplies I have to choose from again.

For me, making cards comes in phases. Which completely revolves around when I get bursts of creativity. Unfortunately the shopping for my hobby is all year round I do donate a bunch of my unused supplies that i have just outgrown to schools here in Chicago or different shelters. I love knowing that the art supplies are in the hands of others who will really enjoy them.

I also know card making comes and go for me with other creative hobbies. Right now my heart is into painting lyrics to my favorite songs onto canvas and learning brush lettering. I know I'll come back to cards, I just don't know when exactly. I'm also a scrapbooker - and haven't scrapbooked in probably 9 years. I often wonder if I should part ways with all my scrapbooking supplies. But I decided to keep it all in closet in my craft room. I think I'll return to it one day.
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When and IF, do you decide to give up stamping?-tin-cards.jpg   When and IF, do you decide to give up stamping?-top-tin-cards.jpg   When and IF, do you decide to give up stamping?-pail.jpg   When and IF, do you decide to give up stamping?-pail-2.jpg  
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Old 02-27-2018, 01:52 PM   #13  
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maslex, I wish I knew the answer to your question. I am where you are. I ask myself "What if someone broke in and stole all my crafting supplies tonight? After the initial shock wore off, would I start rebuying them?"

Lately the answer has been no. I wouldn't. But I am probably going to go with the "box it up" solution for now, because I can't say I'm entirely firing on all cylinders emotionally at the moment, and it might be a bad time to make such a big decision. I wish you luck with yours. Boxing it up can't hurt. Like others have said, sometimes you need a break from something, and sometimes you're just done with it and you need to move on.
I have come to the conclusion that buying craft supplies and actually using them are two separate hobbies.
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Old 02-27-2018, 02:19 PM   #14  
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You know, this thread motivated me today to dig a couple cards out of my stash. I doubt I would have, if I hadn't read this. One get well card for a neighbor who just had triple bypass heart surgery. And a Hello card to brighten the day of ny friend's daughter who is going through bad roommate issues. The cards were made but gathering dust. We do brighten peoples' day if we send them.
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Old 02-27-2018, 02:55 PM   #15  
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Well I am on the edge.

Have done the box up thing for a while now. Posted a for sell thread and just pulled more stamps out to sell. I am keeping the ones I really love.

Thinking of not joining my stamp club when it renews in June, because I don't need to purchase "something" every month. But I will know where I can buy if I need anything.

Also, the sad thing is I don't think I will go to my local stamp convention this year. I have been going for 6 years straight.

I only make cards for immediate family or special friends. I enjoy making Christmas cards for immediate family, but when I put so much time into making cards for friends and those friends that you only keep in touch with christmas cards, it is starting to feel more like a chore especially when I only receive like 10 cards in return.

I know my family enjoys my cards I actually get phone calls or emails thanking me for the cards, which makes me happy.

Been stamping since 2005 and it is time to really start weeding through the old stamps I have used many times. It's time and I am on the edge,....... teetering.
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Old 02-27-2018, 04:49 PM   #16  
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Over the years, I have figured out a style of stamping that works for me. I tend to keep things simple in general, so my stamping has taken that turn too. Also, I don’t like a lot of mess...which crafting can create.I’ve gotten rid of all the ribbon, colored cardstock that just sat, dies dies and more dies that I don’t use, embellishments, etc etc. Just not my thing anymore.
Keeping clutter stymies me and a lot of the stuff I had collected over the years did just that. I got to the all or none point. Then I decided to just purge all the unused stuff. I kept my nature, Birthday, sentiments, and Christmas stamps.
I use mostly white cardstock and not a big fan of layering. I do love inks!
I love making Christmas cards, but you can make some and buy some. I had the very same thought after Christmas when I saw beautiful cards on sale....I thought I must be crazy working at Christmas cards. Next Christmas, I’ll make just two diff styles.... not 10 and purchase some if necessary.
I truly enjoy retiring to my craft room and have lots of opportunities to send cards.
For me.....just keeping things more simple is my success to continuing.
Don’t get rid of your things again. Put them away and think thru what items make you like stamping. Good luck.
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Old 02-27-2018, 06:07 PM   #17  
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I�ve been stamping since 1993, and I�ve accumulated a lot over the years. My enthusiasm for stamping waxes and wanes, and there have been several times when I�ve thought about giving it up and selling everything off.

I�ve always been glad I didn�t, however. Eventually my excitement returns and I�m back to creating. One thing I�ve discovered that gets me out of a funk is to get away from stamping cards and find other uses for my stamps, dies, papers and assorted tools.

Recently I�ve used DSP, Mod Podge and alphabet dies to make some really neat personalized clip boards for teachers I work with. I also like making bookmarks, Post It note holders, covered notebooks and pencils wrapped in pretty washi tape. Another fun project is to make decorations for the holidays, like ornaments, banners or bunting to hang, holiday �picks� using DSP rosettes, and holiday wall art framed in inexpensive frames from big box stores that I spice up with a coat of spray paint. Tin cans are transformed into cute little buckets when covered in DSP or stamped card stock and given handles with a twist of wire and some holes punched with a Crop-o-Dile.

Finally, I really enjoy using my stamping supplies to decorate solid-colored gift bags, stamp coordinating tissue and create matching tags. I often just reuse the plain kraft or colored bags with handles I receive when I make purchases at some stores. If there�s a logo on the bag it�s often easily covered by adhering a card front over it. These bags have been a huge hit, they�re really pretty and they are super cheap when you consider the price of gift bags and fancy tissue at stores. A stack of several gift bags with tissue tied up with some ribbon or raffia makes a very nice and much appreciated hostess gift when I�m invited to a party or stay overnight when visiting friends or family.
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Old 02-27-2018, 06:55 PM   #18  
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When I was in high-school, we were working on these oversized paintings of our abstract ideas and a lot of us were getting frustrated with the process. Our teacher gave us the option to give up and work on something else, but only if we're sure we wanted to let go of our idea and if we were ok with our grades being docked. Someone asked how we'd know that were ready to let go, and our teacher replied: "You're ready to let go when you stop caring. If that piece is making you angry, frustrated or guilty, that's something you can work with and channel. But if you feel nothing, then drop the paintbrush and move along."

Her reply always stuck with me and made it easier for me to decide whether I wanted to let go or hang on. If this thing I'm struggling with is causing negative feelings, then that gives me a chance to analyze what's at the root of the problem, and then I can work on fixing it. But if I don't care either way, then I've already given up and let go on many levels.

For example, I would go into my crafty stash and get overwhelmed. I'd feel guilty about how much stuff was in there and how much I've spent - which would lead to feeling very selfish and finally end with walking out of my crafty area and not crafting at all. I read all the suggestions about purging, but the idea of purging made me feel even worse.

So, instead, I took a step back and really asked myself what I wanted to do. The answer was to turn those ideas that were swirling in my head into something tangible. I wanted to make the super cute card I thought of when I bought the last stamp set, and I wanted to master that watercolor technique someone shared, and I wanted to add those buttons to a card even if they're out of fashion, and so on.

From there, I figured that my issue wasn't about how much I spent or how much I owned -but that I was actually feeling guilty about not realizing all the wonderful ideas I had when I made those crafty orders. The more my stash grew, the more possibilities there were until it overwhelmed me. I didn't want to let go of things because I cared about them and I had great ideas for them. I just had so much that I didn't know where to start.

Once I figured that out, it made it so much easier to come up with the plan. And here's my plan:
1) Take care of my mental and emotional state.
My hobbies are fun and can reduce stress, but they're not separate from the rest of my life. So, I try to be gentle and patient with myself- especially when life's challenging me with something. I drink herbal tea, take naps, listen to relaxing music and write in my journal. Once I feel like I'm in a more positive mindset, I head to my crafty area where I'm free to enjoy myself.
2) Pull out 3 things from my stash every week and use them that week.
It seems simple, but narrowing my focus to just a few small things makes it so those ideas come to life and cards get finished. I've also made bigger stash kits and palettes for inspiration. At the end of each week, I look over what I've created and feel amazing.
3) Limit my social media.
While I love seeing what others are up to, it would inevitably lead to wanting to place a crafty order. Or, I would spend hours of my free time looking at what other people are doing - which, while entertaining, does not help me use up my supplies.
4) Spending freeze.
This one was really tough because design teams are amazing at their jobs and they make me want all the things all the time. But with every new item that comes into my craft room, I feel more and more guilty about not using other supplies. So, I've just stopped shopping completely. If I get that pang of "want-it-want-it-need-it!", I head to my stash and find something else by that company or something else in that theme. 99% of the time, I do find something that works just as well. And for the remaining 1%, I add it to a wish-list that I send out to friends and family who want to spoil me for my birthday.
5) Make a card every day.
This was my resolution for 2018, and I'm still doing it. It was a real challenge on some days (especially when I was sick), but so worth it for the rush of positivity I get when I look at my stash now.

With those steps altogether, I now walk into my crafty space with joy and excitement every single day. I don't love everything I make, nor is it always effortless. But it does continue to make me feel joyful.

I hope that helps a little.
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Old 02-28-2018, 12:27 AM   #19  
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Thanks for all of your replies. Truth is, I had been thinking about getting rid of everything for a while now (even though I was on a buying spree lol) I guess this past year while making Christmas cards I *sometimes* felt like it was a chore. I wasn't getting as much joy in it as I have in the past. Not sure why though. Then I look over at all of my stuff and realize that my scrapbooking stuff hasn't been touched in YEARS. And I mean years. I couldn't even tell you the latest and greatest scrapbook items that are on the market right now. Then I look over at the boxes and boxes of photos and realize how much I miss scrapbooking. Even my boys (21 & 22) comment that there haven't been any new albums to look through in a long time. So I think over the next few days I might go through my stuff and start pricing them. Thanks again for your input.
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Old 02-28-2018, 04:10 AM   #20  
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Ironically, buying lots of crafty stuff makes me want to craft LESS. I know it is because I feel so overwhelmed with choices that I simply walk away. I do like new stuff, though, so my solution was to become a SU! hobby demo and limit myself to my required minimums. It has worked beautifully! I order just twice a year to maximize my discounts and freebies. I use up in those six months what I have bought, too, since I send out and give away so much of what I make. I have been a demo for five years now.

There have been several times, though, where I laid paper crafting aside because there just wasn't time (such as when my three daughters were all under 5), or I just didn't want to do it. Knowing that feelings come and go, I did not sell anything, though.
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Old 02-28-2018, 04:38 AM   #21  
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"... three daughters under five..." Did you have time to breathe?

So agree about being overwhelmed by [even wonderful] choices destroys my making motivation - whether from too much stuff or watching too many videos of wonderful techniques. Selecting one from the "many" often feels impossible.
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Old 02-28-2018, 08:03 AM   #22  
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sometimes I think I buy more supplies when I don't have time to get in my room and actually make something. Anybody else feel like that?
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Old 02-28-2018, 08:19 AM   #23  
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Yes, absolutely. Or when not motivated to make for any reason. Buying and imagining takes the place of making. I try to guard against that, but of course am not always successful. That happened a few weeks ago when getting bad news.
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Old 02-28-2018, 08:56 AM   #24  
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Originally Posted by bjeansView Post
"... three daughters under five..." Did you have time to breathe?
LOL, yes! I made it easier on myself by not going many places, and having set days and times for the places we had to go (church, grocery shopping, etc.). Now I miss those times SO much. I heard a song this morning in my car that made me think of the three of them twirling and dancing around our living room, making up shows for me, and I started to cry!
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Old 02-28-2018, 09:20 AM   #25  
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Originally Posted by cnsteeleView Post
LOL, yes! I made it easier on myself by not going many places, and having set days and times for the places we had to go (church, grocery shopping, etc.). Now I miss those times SO much. I heard a song this morning in my car that made me think of the three of them twirling and dancing around our living room, making up shows for me, and I started to cry!

I had two under the age of two years. It is difficult!

I saw one of those video's on FB yesterday "what mom's say to their kids" It was funny and I never said any of what they said on the video. BUT the last video was "would you just shut up so I can get some sleep" or something like that. I actually tagged my 20 year old daughter and told her I never said that out loud but I said it in my head very often.;)
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Old 02-28-2018, 09:24 AM   #26  
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Yes, me. Sometimes it's an inspiration problem, lack of interest or migraine related that I don't get to craft. or by the time I fell well enough the cards needed to be done like yesterday so I am rushing, and not enjoying making the cards, Or I just skip making the cards all together. Last year I did not make Easter or Thanksgiving cards for family, just hubby, daughter and son.
The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable.
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:23 AM   #27  
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Add me to the list of those dealing with "overwhelm"! I haven't made anything of note since before Christmas, and I'm struggling with missing mojo as we speak. I know that three major factors are at play: 1) the afore-mentioned overwhelm, 2) my room is not functional since our move in December and, 3) a desire to make something less ephemeral than cards.

I am in the process of eliminating more of the stamps that I know I will never use - especially the over-abundance of sentiments - and putting things into categories and systems that will work better for me and eliminate the overwhelm.

I am also looking for better work surface options and lighting options so that I can actually function in my new space.

I am brainstorming ways to use all of my wonderful tools and toys to make things for gifts and home decor and other things that will allow me to find joy again, but not end up with a stockpile of cards with nowhere to go. I know - I could donate or give as gifts or whatever, but I really want to expand the boundaries of what I use all of these things for and see what else is possible.

Maybe these approaches will help me, and maybe they won't. Unless/until I try them out, I'm not giving up on this stamping thing. Maybe a new approach would be helpful for others, as well...?
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Old 02-28-2018, 01:29 PM   #28  
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in 2015 we decided to move from Wisconsin to Alabama. We to sell everything. It was a quick move as my dad was sick and I needed to be here to help care for him. I sold ALL of my stamping stuff as I just was not using it anymore as I was to busy and had no way to take it with me
I accumulated so much it was overwhelming to me. I kept only 3 stamp sets. Ones for calender and recipe cards.
I believed I was done stamping. Our lives changed and were headed in a new direction.
Well, we did move and once we got settled I started to miss it.
I was home all the time and wished for all of my stuff back.
Thankfully I had some wonderful SCS Angels and that helped me get started back into it. THey sent me a few things to use and play with. I will always be forever grateful to them.
I now have added a bit to my stamping. I still do not have a lot but it is enough to be versatile and make many different cards.
I do not care if they ever get sent out or not, I make them because I enjoy it.
If I were you, I would pack up the "must keeps" and put them away. Sell the ones you know you will never use.
Then see what the future brings.
Good luck to you
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Old 02-28-2018, 02:19 PM   #29  
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I am sorry you are feeling negative about your stash.

Stop with the guilt about what you bought. It's done. Time to make lemonade!

Try some challenges or look at cards you saved here and CASE them. Don't over think it. Just make.

Try making just to play. Like making backgrounds. Learn. Throw out the duds. Keep the good ones. No pressure. PLAY. You can put them aside for a later use. Lots of people do that.

Have friends come over and teach them to make. Tell them to help you use up DP or whatever. They will make mistakes. You could. You all will laugh. Bring joy back to making. If you have card making friends have them come over and play-and ask them to use your stuff. They may think of uses you have not.

Why make cards? Good question. Why do you? Habit? Obligation? You like to make and mail? If it isn't the last, then I would say stop. That is just building resentment and the world gives us enough unpleasant stuff w/o doing it to ourselves. ;)

How big is your mailing list? They have a habit of growing and we need to edit them regularly. Only make for those that really matter to you. Would you hug this person when you see them? Sit and laugh with them all afternoon? Because a card is a paper hug. No? Over to the bought list. Maybe just gone.

Make CAS ones. Plenty of YTs of 10 min cards. This way you don't get crazed at the idea they get thrown out or not returned after you spent hours/days on it. In fact-they often are layer cards and could be a great opportunity for you to use up DP.

You may have a lot of Christmas theme but I bet some of it can also do double duty for other things. Change the color. Trees can be green or fall colored. Falling snow dots? Use bright colors for celebration confetti. etc. etc When we feel boxed in/limited it can be bad.

I hope you feel better about it soon.
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Old 02-28-2018, 07:03 PM   #30  
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Originally Posted by CreativeCardseaView Post
So, instead, I took a step back and really asked myself what I wanted to do. The answer was to turn those ideas that were swirling in my head into something tangible. I wanted to make the super cute card I thought of when I bought the last stamp set, and I wanted to master that watercolor technique someone shared, and I wanted to add those buttons to a card even if they're out of fashion, and so on.

From there, I figured that my issue wasn't about how much I spent or how much I owned -but that I was actually feeling guilty about not realizing all the wonderful ideas I had when I made those crafty orders. The more my stash grew, the more possibilities there were until it overwhelmed me. I didn't want to let go of things because I cared about them and I had great ideas for them. I just had so much that I didn't know where to start.

Once I figured that out, it made it so much easier to come up with the plan.
Your entire post is brilliant and reading it gave me so much clarity. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your plan.
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Old 03-02-2018, 10:17 PM   #31  
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Yep, I think this is what I've been feeling a lot of. Especially over the last Christmas or two. I make about 80+ cards a year to send out for Christmas and I might get 15-20. It used to be 60+, but over the last few years I've noticed it has slowly started to decrease. :( And it really isn't like I'm expecting 80+ cards in return either. I know many of the people that I send to don't send cards themselves and I've always loved making cards for everyone I knew, but it's just really been different lately. I just don't seem to get the joy out of it like I used to. Even last year, I didn't quite make the 80 or so cards that I normally do, so I had to buy a couple boxes of store bought ones. And I was fine with it.

I have a friend who sells SU and has 2-3 Christmas card making workshops a year. I think I will still go to those and make those Christmas cards to send out and just buy the rest. That way I still get to enjoy making some cards and will send those to the ones that I definitely know enjoy getting my handmade cards and I won't have that feeling throughout the year that I "HAVE" to get my butt in gear to make my cards. And then this way, I can get back into scrapbooking.


Originally Posted by lesliespringerView Post
Well I am on the edge.

Have done the box up thing for a while now. Posted a for sell thread and just pulled more stamps out to sell. I am keeping the ones I really love.

Thinking of not joining my stamp club when it renews in June, because I don't need to purchase "something" every month. But I will know where I can buy if I need anything.

Also, the sad thing is I don't think I will go to my local stamp convention this year. I have been going for 6 years straight.

I only make cards for immediate family or special friends. I enjoy making Christmas cards for immediate family, but when I put so much time into making cards for friends and those friends that you only keep in touch with christmas cards, it is starting to feel more like a chore especially when I only receive like 10 cards in return.

I know my family enjoys my cards I actually get phone calls or emails thanking me for the cards, which makes me happy.

Been stamping since 2005 and it is time to really start weeding through the old stamps I have used many times. It's time and I am on the edge,....... teetering.
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Old 03-03-2018, 05:51 AM   #32  
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You have a lot of great ideas and thoughts from the wonderful folks here. One thing to add that I notice about me is that I am a seasonal stamper, and I am not intuitively creative but l like to work with hands. So when I am home bound as in the winter - I make a lot of cards then. Summer not much at all. The supplies just sit there.

I have done many a shopping binge in my crafting life ( 16 plus years) and have the supplies to show for it. I cant seem to let go of it. I have scrapbook paper (easily 2 feet of if I stacked it all on top of each other (-Basic Gray anyone?) and embellishments that I havent touched in years. and I am not counting paperpads. lol

Recently, with stamping, I have taken a new approach when I think about purchasing a set. I look at pinterest and see how many cards i can CAS to justify purchasing one set over another . CAS takes the pressure of having to create something from scratch and be "perfect". I liked the card enough to case didnt I? ;)- Then I feel like i can let go of something because I did use it and got my moneys worth.

I need to find the energy to pack it up and sell it but it doesnt appear that the interest in purchasing things is there like it used to be. Postage is a big deterrent these days and the effort to pack it up and take it to the po isnt worth it sometimes . Ebay intimidates me

We all have an emotional attachment to things - for me its guilt because I spend all this money. I dont have a lot of people to send cards to so I do donate a lot. as for receiving cards, people are so used to just sending an e card or a text because that's easier.

Addendum: i am in CT too. maybe we can swap? LOL
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Old 03-03-2018, 06:04 AM   #33  
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I am currently happily obsessed with card-making, but before I found my happy place, I went through a lot of other hobbies (okay, more like obsessions). Someone talked me into trying scrapbooking about 12 or 13 years ago, when it was really the "in" thing, and LSS's were on every corner. I loved it, and quickly collected way too many supplies.

Eventually, I realized that it was starting to frustrate me. I'd spend forever trying to get a layout perfect... started some that I never finished... and knew that I was wasting my time. (I have no kids, and no one that has any interest in these scrapbooks.) I still had a few hobbies at this time, but money was tight, so I had to find a way to get my crafty on, without spending a fortune. That's when I switched to card-making, and haven't looked back since. But what I'm trying to say to the OP is:

I intentionally made it a point to "convert" my scrapbook tools and supplies to card-making tools and supplies. I found a way to use what I already had, to make something different that brought me joy. Admittedly, over the years, I've had to purge some things that work better in scrapbooks than on cards... but much of it I was able re-purpose. Maybe you could do the same, but in reverse?

Whatever you decide, just be gentle with yourself, and find what makes you happy.
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Old 03-03-2018, 08:57 AM   #34  
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A few years ago I decided to only send my handmade cards to those that I knew would enjoy them and appreciate them, the rest got store bought .....including those that emailed their greetings.

I love making Christmas cards and because I make fewer it is not such a chore. My other love is Christmas Tags....and I do make a lot.this is because in our family we also give a lot of small “elf” inexpensive gifts. I also make them for my daughter.
They are small and even more involved designs are quick. In fact a lot of people appreciate getting them as it’s something we need at that time of year, and I can make a few throughout when I want a change from other types of cards. Good advice here from many sources and points of view.
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Old 03-03-2018, 12:19 PM   #35  
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I have embarked on a kind of test for myself. I have put away everything, and then condensed it all on the shelving in my studio. All my stuff is there, but I can't walk in and just working without a lot of pulling things out and setting them up. So I am going to see how I feel, not being able to work.

If I don't feel much impulse to craft after a period of time, I'll start thinking about destashing down. But that will be a nightmare. There are not a lot of stampers down here in the Keys, I don't know a one, and there certainly are not enough so that I could have a yard sale and count on crafters showing up. Selling online is such a lot of work. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Maybe I'll place an ad in the paper. Let people come over and look at what I have.

That's all for the future, though - if I decide to destash. I have no idea what will happen now that I've effectively made it all but impossible to craft. It was kind of anxiety producing to do what I've already done. But truthfully what made me the most anxious was when I kept toting up in my head all the money I'd spent on all my stuff as I put it away.

Well, we shall see. ;)!
I have come to the conclusion that buying craft supplies and actually using them are two separate hobbies.
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Old 03-03-2018, 01:56 PM   #36  
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apologies in advance for this long winded and long winding post, but there are a few of you, who if you walk away for the wrong reasons, not only am I going to miss you, but you may not resolve the thing that's eating at you, but just carry it into your next chapter, so do with this as you will, but here's my half penny thoughts to please consider:

Everything has a season, and understanding that season is important. There's the wild and wonderful abundant season when everything falls into place and it seems like everything you touch turns out as you had intended. There's the growing and learning season where you get stretched, and a skill or technique is just beyond you and you're patient and figure it out or you're frustrated as heck, and sometimes both of those in turn. and then there's the fallow season, where things need to rest. period. and pushing it gets you nowhere. Sometimes one creative outlet comes to a close, all the sweet juice having been sucked out of it and there's nothing more to be had, it's time for a new adventure a new outlet, but please don't mistake a resting time for a time to move on.

another thought is the gap between expectation and reality, and how it can frustrate and even anger someone until they've had a chance to really sort it out and decide what they want to do about it. and those expectations, fair or unfair, are the way we look at the tools and materials we use, what we expect of ourselves, the outcomes we want, and even the response from other people.

I have an aunt who is a fiber artist. She does quilts. Not like granny. Like contemporary art award winning pieces. One of her daughters is a weaver. again ... not like pot holders, but the pieces one might find in an office or church. Her other daughter works in porcelain, and yep ... in galleries all around the country, her work is purchased world wide. and then there's me ... the dolt who has been thrilled to feel artsy on an A2 sized piece of paper with her SU! matchy matchy colors of ink, CS and ribbon. I do what I do because it makes me happy. I love the learning and the exploration and the joy I feel when it comes together like magic ... sometimes. Most of the time, it's a mess or it's a work in progress. and I'm good with that.

a friend, a journalist (and a darned good one, actually), explained how he takes his work in stride with this quip 'today's news is tomorrow's fish paper' and that's been something I've used when I think about my messing around ... playing on fish paper.

and another surprise for me was getting talked into knitting and realizing that it's a nice counterpart to my papercraft world. When I'm playing with card making there are a thousand and one decisions on color, size, image, sentiment to be conveyed, etc, etc. With knitting, you pick the yarn, the pattern and away you go, just pay attention to stitches and rows. Both are still a surprise in the end, even though you have a general sense of where you're going, but they each require very different thinking processes and for me, anyway, they're a great compliment to each other.

anyway ... if you're thinking about hanging up your stampers smock, I hope you'll take the time to sort out for yourself what it was that called your name in the first place and what's pulling you down. Maybe it is time to move on. But maybe after you've had a chance to sort things out, it's something else that's been getting in the way of your happiness. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater ... all I'm sayin' for what it's worth.
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Old 03-04-2018, 12:55 PM   #37  
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Originally Posted by RachelroseView Post
I have embarked on a kind of test for myself. I have put away everything, and then condensed it all on the shelving in my studio. All my stuff is there, but I can't walk in and just working without a lot of pulling things out and setting them up. So I am going to see how I feel, not being able to work.

If I don't feel much impulse to craft after a period of time, I'll start thinking about destashing down. But that will be a nightmare. There are not a lot of stampers down here in the Keys, I don't know a one, and there certainly are not enough so that I could have a yard sale and count on crafters showing up. Selling online is such a lot of work. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Maybe I'll place an ad in the paper. Let people come over and look at what I have.

That's all for the future, though - if I decide to destash. I have no idea what will happen now that I've effectively made it all but impossible to craft. It was kind of anxiety producing to do what I've already done. But truthfully what made me the most anxious was when I kept toting up in my head all the money I'd spent on all my stuff as I put it away.

Well, we shall see. ;)!
I hope what we will see is you back here, but most of all that you find and do what you love.

I hesitate saying this, but my sense is that relaxing and crafts might not be words you'd often use in the same sentence - that your goals are lofty and you're very tough on yourself. (See why I hesitated?)

I dabbled in the art world at one point (kiln formed glass), took classes from renowned teachers who were amazing and so supportive, but rarely just had fun. Nothing I did - almost - felt good enough, and while the pressure was largely self-imposed, the whole arts versus craft conversation was ongoing, which added to the pressure.

I eventually stopped, despite having a fully stocked glass studio with equipment that cost many thousands of dollars and a huge amount of specialty glass. I still have it and hope to sell some, but a lot may be donated. Life costs. (Can be read in two ways?)

Then I found paper crafting, and slowly, painfully at times have learned that it's just paper, it does not have to be Art capital A, and just playing or experimenting is not just okay but can be enough. Blobs of alcohol ink on Yupo without making anything? It's cool.

When I recently purged my craft room, I donated a huge amount, and I felt guilty for "wasting" so much money on what did not fit, but it went to a good cause - a thrift shop that now supports an organization that goes in to areas where disasters hit to help animals.

If you decide this craft/art form is not for you, you won't have less money than you do now if you can't sell much. And it isn't as if you didn't work with and use what you had. How different is that than school books we purchased for subjects not in our field? Or any books we donated to libraries or thrift shops? Or handbags or clothes that went out of style or we grew out of? They had their use until they didn't. Had some fun, learned some things. So it goes. Just my take.

: ) Beth
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Old 03-04-2018, 02:14 PM   #38  
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Oh, Beth, you see right through me! Yes, I am brutally hard on myself creatively.

I have other more "serious" creative pursuits in my life and always have. Over those I feel that any deep angst I experience is warrented and appropriate. But I can't seem to just play at crafting. Maybe that's the lesson here. Not to give it up, but to learn to play at it. I'd be doing myself a big favor, I know.

In the meantime, I am spending time in my craft room because that's where I practice and play my guitar. So it's all there right in my face, all my lovely stuff. It's not going anywhere at this point. Your thoughts on all the money spent on other things as we make our way through life was helpful and so true.

I'm frankly getting too old to take everything so seriously. Way too old.

Well, I said it was a test. Just a test. In the meanwhile, I need to do some "serious" thinking about whether I've become averse to crafting because it's really just over and done with for me, or whether I'm merely averse to the pressure and stress I turn it into.
I have come to the conclusion that buying craft supplies and actually using them are two separate hobbies.
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Old 03-05-2018, 05:43 AM   #39  
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I doubt I'll ever leave card making behind! Right now I'm not doing fact in the 12 years I've been doing this I've never been a prolific card maker. About one card per month except at holiday time ( Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc).

I had a blast with paper pumpkin for about a year and a half. I didn't get every month as I really didn't need more supplies. I had as much fun being part if the PP fan club on FB as I did getting the box!

I love the SU card classes I'm part of (I attend 3 different demo's events) more than anything! I love getting together with my inky friends.

I may downsize a bit but doubt I'll ever give it up. It's about the only hobby I've ever had!
All I want is the chance to prove money won't make me happy!
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Old 03-05-2018, 10:09 AM   #40  
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Not using what I bought and then buying more was kind of getting to me so a friend suggested a dot system. I went through all my stamps and dies and put a red sticker on the unused sets that were less than a year old and an orange sticker on the unused sets that were more than a year old. I thought it would just increase my guilt and be a waste of time but it has actually helped me go forward. Now I pull an orange set and try to use it. Sometimes it’s just a sentiment I like but it counts and the sticker goes off. If I still like it but it’s not working I google the set and look for an idea or I move to the next. If it’s too dated or too hard to use it goes in the giveaways. If being overwhelmed by stuff is any part of tiring of this hobby maybe some kind of systematic approach could help. I did one box up and store it all years ago just because I got bored. I ended up coming back to it three years later. Luckily my ink was still good. My knitting comes and goes also. It’s hard to force an interest though so if little techniques, destashing, or a break don’t help, moving on is an OK option too. I’ve outgrown several hobbies.
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